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English translation for "kim sung-jin"


Related Translations:
jin shuofu:  金溯甫
kim donghwan:  金东涣(金家潘之子)
kim seonryong:  金成龙
kim sookyung:  金秀景
kim jip:  金
kim jain:  金家英
min kim:  金玟王嘉文
kim soon:  金淳
kim chang:  金昌
kim jaewon:  金载沅
Example Sentences:
1.Edmond pang is without doubt the hong kong version of korean director kim sang - jin
2.Edmond pang is without doubt the hong kong version of korean director kim sang - jin
3.I have soon become a devoted fan of director kim sang - jin . it was so excited to hear the release of his latest film
4.May not be kim sang - jin s best , but his trademark is still unique as he is always faithful to his movie , and it is absolutely impossible to find any replacement
5.May not be kim sang - jin s best , but his trademark is still unique as he is always faithful to his movie , and it is absolutely impossible to find any replacement
6.This story of jail breaking is fully exploited by kim sang - jin , not only does he place mo - suk and jae - pil in a ridiculous situation in which they have to try their best to get back to jail by all means , the jail guards are also forced to pretend to be prisoners
7.This story of jail breaking is fully exploited by kim sang - jin , not only does he place mo - suk and jae - pil in a ridiculous situation in which they have to try their best to get back to jail by all means , the jail guards are also forced to pretend to be prisoners
Similar Words:
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